Laid off, the aftermath

Being freshly dismissed from your job can be, to say the least, demoralizing. Whether it’s due to economic reasons, a widespread decline in performance, or simply a less advanced level of seniority, no professional is immune to termination or dismissal.
Losing your job is never easy, but it is also an opportunity for personal and professional growth. How to face this stage with resilience and determination? 🤔
This article aims to explore various means and tools to grow from such an experience and emerge stronger!
1. Find out the reasons for your termination of employment 👀
To fully understand the circumstances of your departure, have a dialogue with your manager. This question can be asked on the spot or by email after reflection.
Be mindful of the tone used to preserve your reputation, as your former employers may need to provide references to your future employers.
Also, reflect on what you liked least (or most!) about your previous job.
Take a deep breath and relax, as managing this transition requires calmness and perspective.
2. Tighten your belt 💰
Job loss inevitably leads to a reduction in income for an indefinite period.
It’s time to create an emergency budget to meet your needs.
Although vacations may seem tempting, evaluate their financial impact on your budget, as the future can be uncertain.
3. Be disciplined 💪🏼
Without a fixed schedule, it’s tempting to deviate from your usual routine. However, avoid losing your bearings by waking up late or going to bed late.
Maximize your days!
- Conduct in-depth research on the companies you are applying to.
- Optimize your CV and LinkedIn profile with technology-related keywords.
- Open your LinkedIn profile to new opportunities.
Looking for a job is a full-time job!
💡 Discover our 4 tips for job seekers!
4. Consult a specialized recruiter (or headhunters!) 💻
Engaging with a recruiter can significantly improve your chances of professional reintegration. They can guide you in your job search and the interview process with targeted companies, acting as a professional coach. Plus, it’s FREE, so you have nothing to lose!
5. Expand your network 👥
Use connections made during your career, whether with former colleagues, managers, etc. If you are a member of a professional organization, take full advantage of the tools at your disposal to develop your professional network. Networking events, conferences, and training activities are excellent ways to meet professionals who can contribute to advancing your career. In IT, several organizations are recognized, such as AQIII (Association québécoise des informaticiennes et informaticiens indépendants), AQT (Association Québécoise des technologies), Réseau Action TI, CRIM (The Computer Research Institute of Montreal), TECHNOCompétences (the Information Technology and Communication Sectoral Committee), etc.
When applying for a job, ask yourself, “Who do I know who works in this company or who might know someone?” This could put your CV at the top of the pile and give you a head start. It’s also one of the advantages of working with a recruiting firm like DELAN, as it already has a good relationship with contact(s) in the company you’re interested in.
6. Continuous learning 🧠
Invest in continuous learning to improve skills you are less familiar with. By working on your weaknesses, you increase your chances of professional reintegration.
These days, continuous learning is valued at any age and shows that you have a thirst for knowledge. Moreover, it will help you expand your professional network.
➡️ Termination of employment is not an easy step to digest; however, well-managed, it can be an opportunity for personal and professional advancement. Don’t hesitate to seek the help of your surroundings and share your experience!
📲 Contact our team for personalized advice in your job search in the IT field!