Trends in IT Recruitment

IT recruitment – How to succeed a remote hire?

IT recruitment – How to succeed a remote hire?


COVID-19 has not only turned the job market upside down, it has also called on employers to reinvent their hiring processes. From now on, and for an indefinite period, it is not possible to conduct job interviews in person, they will have to be held remotely. This presents a challenge for potential candidates, but also for employers, IT managers and human resources departments who must adapt their hiring process to render it virtual.


In addition to changing your hiring process, you will need to review some of your criterias regarding the type of candidates desired. Your staffing needs may have changed since the start of the pandemic, and it’s important to take the time to take stock of this.


In IT, it’s all the more important to adapt the way you do things when it comes time to conduct a job interview. It is not only necessary to find a candidate who has the necessary skills to accomplish the tasks that will be asked of him, but also be able to do so remotely. Teleworking therefore means that your company must find an autonomous and motivated candidate.


The rest of this article will give you some tips for adapting your remote hiring process:



Perform an assessment of your hiring process before COVID-19


The reshuffling of your hiring process is a great time to assess your previous process and hence highlight the positives, as well as areas for improvement. This will allow you refine your remote job interviews based on the successes of your previous process and improve what previously didn’t work so well.


Several points need to be assessed, such as the different stages of your hiring process, the questions asked of candidates, your interview style and the way in which you will assess the skills of the candidates. It’s also important to make sure the right people on your team are responsible for the hiring process and review each other’s tasks as needed. Recruitment must be one of your priorities! Make sure your hiring process is concise and pre-established.



Writing your job offers


With telecommuting, it’s important to review the job descriptions you’ve posted and those you’ll post in the future. Update them by modifying the concise description of your company, the 5-6 most important tasks of the position and the desired profile of your candidate (with the necessary technologies and assets). Show to what extent your company works remotely, the benefits, as well as everything you offer so that potential candidates have a good idea of ​​the advantages and working conditions, even if they have never set foot in your offices.



Ask yourself about your selection criteria


Do you absolutely need to hire someone who lives near your office? Not all the time. Thanks to remote working, you can broaden your research to find new talent across the country, and even around the world!



Do business with a specialized headhunting firm


Yes, it’s difficult to recruit, especially in IT! To optimize your recruiting, you need to make sure you are available and involved. Gone are the days when positions were filled by candidates applying on you job post. Make your network work for you! If you are short on time and / or technical expertise, consider doing business with a specialized technology headhunting firm. DELAN will carry out the various steps for you and accompany you until you find the perfect match.



How to conduct a good remote interview as a manager?


If you have a position to fill in the IT field, it is important to prepare well for the interview in order to give a great first impression. Preparation is also for the manager, not just for the candidate. First, make sure that what is visible on your screen gives a good impression of yourself and your business.


Be convinced and convincing. And yes, the interview is also an opportunity to stand out as a manager, but also to “sell” your position and your business. It is imperative you enter your candidates emotional bubble (even from a distance!). Ask him the right questions to find out what interests him most and what motivates him.


Give the candidate a quick follow-up, 48hrs maximum, otherwise you risk that another company will offer him a position. Always provide an impeccable candidate experience, act with transparency and give constructive feedback.



A remote hiring process


Despite the changes in recent months related to the pandemic context, we could not have adapted without technology. The process of recruiting new IT employees takes some extra effort to virtually adapt everything, but it also provides many benefits to employers as well as candidates!



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